Humor: 2
Blood: None
Nudity: None
Minutes FF’ed thru: None
Overall rating: 3
It’s pretty simple, you either like Michael Moore or you hate him. I think he’s pretty entertaining, and although he stretches the truth for his own gain, he’s still good at what he does. I recently watched a couple of other documentaries (Michael Moore Hates America and Manufacturing Dissent) which show just how arrogant and uncaring he is, but nonetheless, it’s a hoot to watch him at work.
Okay, now to our feature presentation. Sicko is about how shitty the American Health Care system really is. Nationwide, we rank at #37, just behind Costa Rica, but just ahead of Slovenia. Where the hell is Slovenia, you ask? Exactly, that’s Mike’s point. As great of a nation as we are, we’re nowhere near the other powerhouses. Other countries offer free health care for everyone, no matter race, age, or health condition. Wouldn’t that be great, go to the doctor and not dread walking out feeling like you’re going to get bent over and ram-rodded with a splintery stick when the bill comes!! But, with all the lobbying and under the table money our paid representatives are getting, it’ll be a cold day in hell before anything changes.
Whether you like Mike or not, one thing’s for sure, the American Health Care system sucks green donkey dicks, and could give two shits less about it’s clients and patients. So, what are we to do, move to another country? That may very well be the answer, as it was for a few in this movie.
This documentary plays out as being more factual than others of Mr. Moore’s, but I’m sure still had some fabricated parts. But, it’s worth a rent, so give it a gander, then take a look at your health plan, if you're lucky enough to have one, and decide if telling this country to shove it is the way to go. See ya in England or France.
Sicko- A Michael Moore Documentary
by K-Fleet
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