Humor: 3
Blood: 4
Nudity: 3, boobs pop out when you least expect it
Minutes FF’ed thru: none
Overall rating: 3
Memorable quotes:
“Put a taco in my mouth and your dick in my ass.”
You know a movie has the potential to be good when the DVD options are:
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Scholarly Commentary
With gas prices reaching an all-time high, at over 32 bucks a gallon, Archie attempts to build an engine that runs off a wheat grass concoction. One night, while sulking in his failure, he cuts himself on a broken Vodka bottle. Well, some of his blood falls into the machine, and it almost instantly starts to run. So, he makes a bigger model, puts it in his trunk, and starts knocking people off to feed his car's hunger.
This is first time I’ve seen Anna Chlumsky since My Girl 2, although I'm sure she's been in others. She plays Lorraine, who has a big crush on Archie, and runs the wheat grass stand which he buys from daily. There's also the not-so-shy girl who runs the nearby meat stand, who digs Arch because he has a workable set of wheels, and is one of the first to help prove his invention works. But, the government gets wind of this, and want to market it, using vagrants, prisoners, and other throw-aways as fuel.
This is a pretty good movie with an original concept. I wonder how much more entertaining it could have been had it ran longer and added more plot (only clocking in at a mere hour and 16 minutes). Definitely worth a rent, since you can’t go wrong with random tits and blood splatter.
Blood Car by K-Fleet
by K-Fleet
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