{overall rating}- * * *
{action}- There is a rat hunt!
{humor}- I would go so far as to say this film is funny even on a camp level.
{nudity}- Within seconds. They could of picked a prettier alter.
{blood}- It's a little too orange than too sugary red. It looks good when there is no direct lighting. These people need to test their blood on white cloth first.
{gore}- Some nice, some not. In reflection it feels as though it broke even.
{acting}- "That 'L' stuff that makes you crazy." It could be the lines but the delivery is bad either way.
{plot}- Charles Manson and the Spahn Ranch gang takeover Yoder.
{film quality}- Not great. The cutting of this movie was obviously rushed or over done.
{entertainment factor}- Tolerable.
{Aprox. amount of time spent fast forwarding}- Nun.
A local girl is raped by a group of hippy style Satan worshiping nomads. Her grandpa goes to get revenge with a shotgun, but instead end up dosed on some thing they call "L S D." If you don't know about this strange substance they'll take a minute to explain it to you like an after school special. The grandson decides to get revenge by taking blood from a rapid dog and injecting it into meat pies that get sold to the hippies. Now instead of worrying about all that "Satan" business they're worried about hiding from water and slaying people with axes. And who knew that rabies was also an STD. This movie is a really great idea and at times its very entertaining. The acting of the grandson repeatedly kills the momentum of this film. The action sequences and run in's with the rapids will sort of have you scratching your because there obvious cutting. This movie had great potential but just barely squeak past the 2 mark.
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