
Movie Tagline: “Broken makes Saw look like a children’s movie.”
Humor: laughable blood
Blood: 3, there’s plenty, but color ranges from almost believable to “is that red paint?”
Nudity: 1, a side-boob shot
Minutes FF’ed thru: 0
Overall rating: 2

When I saw the excellent marketing through the design of the DVD cover, I thought, “this has potential to be the next big independent horror movie, or is this just another crapper attempting to rob me of my hard-earned money?” Needless to say, glad I was only out a mere $3 for the rental. The artwork looks like a stitched up stomach, and when you pull the cardboard apart, there’s bloody inards with an embedded razor blade. Great packaging for such a meager film, but that’s the point, right, to sell units? Sucka!

A Wolfcreek (Outback) looking guy kidnaps women, makes an incision in their stomach, and puts a razor blade in before sewing them up. He then elevates them and ties them around their neck to a tree, balancing their weight on two pieces of wood, so if they squirm too much, they’ll fall off and hang themselves. He returns later to give them a sharpened stick and says if they want to live, then they need to cut it out. If they succeed in getting the blade out, then their automatic response is to use it to cut the rope. If they survive, he then asks if they want to continue, and if so, they’re taken to his camp and chained up to await what’s next.

Most of the movie revolves around this one female who does survive the first challenge, but after several escape attempts, is reminded of who’s in control of the game. It appears that her daughter has been disposed of, but once she’s able to get free by killing the assailant, she’s found hiding in a shed. Unbeknownst to her, when she opens the door to free her, it triggers a bunch of nails to be shot at her face, thus losing her eyesight. It was the last attempt to get a rise out of the viewer, but a lame attempt in using a Saw-esque tragedy scene.

Such a great premise, but not well executed. I wrote this review while watching it, if that says anything. Sorry, Dimension Extreme, you’ve failed again, but maybe Black Sheep can pull you from the shit pile.

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