{overall rating}-****

{action}- hell yes.

{humor}- probably the funniest movie I’ve seen since super troopers.

{blood}- almost.

{gore}- no.

{nudity}- no.

{acting}- Great for comedy.

{plot}- Lame stereotype that absolutely works.

{film quality}- Great cinematography.

{entertainment factor}- through the roof.

{Aprox. amount of time spent fast forwarding}- nun

Rod is young man who’s father died testing out a stunt for Evil Kanevil. He dreams of carrying on his father’s legacy as a stunt man but he doesn’t realize that he has absolutely no talent. To gain the respect of his step father he fights him every week , but unfortunately loses. When he finds out his step father needs a heart transplant he decides to do a jump to raise the money so one day he can kick his step father’s ass and gain his respect. The execution here is dead on. The only dull spot in the entire movie is a SNL appearance. What can you do though, its produced by Lorne Michaels.

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